If you have children and the extra room, you should set aside a separate play area for them. This will keep their own room cleaner, as well as your living room floor free from their toys. Below are some tips on how to design this room so that your children can enjoy it.
Use Carpeting
You should install a soft, durable, and stain resistant carpeting for the playroom. Nylon and polyester fibers work well, as they are stain resistant, and they offer a variety of textures, colors, and patterns.
You can purchase hopscotch carpeting for your children's playroom, so they can play hopscotch even if it is raining outside. If you do not want the entire carpet to look like a hopscotch board, you can create your own hopscotch by purchasing carpet floor tiles that you lay on top of the carpeting. You can find carpeting that has the ABC letters on it so your child can learn their letters while they are playing. Companies like Carpeteria offer all sorts of different carpets that may be perfect for your kids' interests.
Make Space
To make the most of the space, put the furniture, such as tables and chairs, around the edge of the room, and leave the center open. If you want seating in the middle of the room, purchase some hanging chairs that you hang from the ceiling. Place benches around the edge of the wall that include storage space underneath them to keep your child's toys, art materials, etc. inside them.
Purchase plastic shelving units and plastic storage bins as more space for your children's things. Let your children use craft paint to decorate the storage bins, and you can put their names on the front of them. You could also use the paint to label each bin for what should go into it, such as books, building blocks, cars, etc.
Add Some Fun
Purchase a rock wall for the children to climb on. You can find them in many toy stores or online. Place inflatables that are covered with hook and loop fasteners, and then hook and loop fastener suits for your children. They can put the suit on and jump on the inflatable, and they will stick to it. You can purchase these inflatables and suits at toy stores or online.
Paint one wall with chalkboard paint that your children can create masterpieces using white and colored chalk. The chalk easily wipes off with an eraser, so they can start their next project. This paint can be found at home improvement stores.
Your child will likely spend a lot of their in their playroom. If they are old enough to help you make decisions, ask them how they would like to design it. Consider their ideas when you start creating their space.